
川崎汽船(株)【9107】の掲示板 2023/12/17〜2023/12/19

15DEC2023 updated map of warships operating in Red Sea, Gulf of Oman, Gulf of Aden, Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea.

New set up let me know if this is something you guys like.

Ike CSG operating in Gulf of Oman

Bataan ARG
FS Languedoc (D-653)
HMS Diamond (D-34)
Operating in Red Sea, Gulf of Aden.

A Floreal Class Frigate operating in Arabian Sea/Indian Ocean

USCG Cutters operating in Gulf of Oman

ROKS Yang Man-Chun (DDH-973) spotted in Djibouti Port.

Chinese 46th Naval Escort Task Force operating in Gulf of Aden.

USS Mason (DDG-87) operating North of BAM.
USS Carney (DDG-64) operating South of BAM.

JDS Akebono (DD-108)
HMS Lancaster (F-229)
ESPS Victoria (F-82)
Operating in Gulf of Aden/Arabian Sea

Does not include all ships under Combined Maritime Force such as CTF 150, CTF 151, CTF 152, CTF 153, Updated all sources used