
(株)レゾナック・ホールディングス【4004】の掲示板 2021/12/15〜2022/02/03

If you don't have money and you don't make money, you should die.
The government also cuts off non-profitable stocks.
Just bake the corpse in the crematorium.
However, we poor people do not make margin transactions and must cherish money.
Would you like to make a funeral money with your savings and have a delicious convenience store lunch?
If you run out of food, starve to death or jump into your car.
Will you die in Nishinari?

(株)レゾナック・ホールディングス【4004】 If you don't have money and you don't make money, you should die. The government also cuts off non-profitable stocks. Just bake the corpse in the crematorium. However, we poor people do not make margin transactions and must cherish money. Would you like to make a funeral money with your savings and have a delicious convenience store lunch? If you run out of food, starve to death or jump into your car. Will you die in Nishinari? ただで買えるものは何もないし、消費税など手数料が高すぎる。 SDKに穴の毛までむしりとられるでえ。