
投稿コメント一覧 (2995コメント)

  • It is operated by borrowing Hitachi Kasei's human resources, but one day it will have to be returned to the Hitachi Group.
    Hitachi Kasei is a Trojan horse and is a strategy of the Hitachi Group.
    Investors believe that, so stock prices don't go up.
    We are only dreaming and it all depends on the growth of the next generation of young people.
    Even the aluminum cans are sold and the company just dissolves.
    We are worried if the SDK has a technology like GAFA.
    We are keenly aware of the limitations of the SDK.

  • The war has already begun.
    Crude oil will be expensive and resources will be scarce.
    On the contrary, it will bring about a war economy and double the stock price.
    It seems that we should save more than stocks because we will be busy with work. It will crash once, but demand for military supplies and graphite electrodes will increase. It's just a coincidence.

  • If the stock price goes up and sells, we should buy a naughty stock this time.
    There will also be special treatment.
    We should save a lot before interest rates rise.
    Life is the savings themselves, and we work to save until we die.

  • We just wonder what it was for the Bonkura owners to sway and finally return to the buy price by the time we died. The SDK aims to be a management that is not understood by everyone, but we think that the result is everything. Thank you for SDK CONPATIBLE WITH TSMC mind.

  • The memorial service for the deceased is not a funeral, but a prosperity.
    Our wish is not to repay the debt as much as we worked,
    We want you to work hard and be a profitable company.
    We have to do the desired job rather than the expensive shopping.
    What is happiness, it may be paying back debt.
    Abandon oneself and be saved by another power.
    This is the mercy of the Buddha.

  • This failure is like the SDK running naked in the city.
    It's crazy. We were ashamed.

  • This is an adjustment and does not affect many people.
    It wouldn't be a dream for the SDK to someday overtake its rival Shin-Etsu Chemical. We want to buy when it's cheap and sell when it's expensive. It happened that a mutant strain of coronavirus shook the stock price and upset the stock price.
    Our lives are turbulent and we must be prepared for death.

  • If we humans have psychokinesis, the stock price will be 10 times higher.
    An obsessive person wins the stock.
    The SDK is a stock of obsession and is forever immortal.

  • Successful people are always challenging.
    The SDK is challenging, so it will eventually succeed.
    However, stock prices will not rise without global consensus, especially for large investors.
    Banks and funds don't seem to have a good reputation.
    The upper price of the stock price has fallen and is less than the public offering price.
    Giants are popular, and Shin-Etsu Chemical's stock price will skyrocket to over 50,000.
    Even if you do the same job, there are people who can and cannot advance
    This is because of a competitive society and an unfavorable corporate environment.
    There is a big difference between the section chief and regular employees. Wages are twice as different.
    thank you.

  • We have not yet reached an agreement with Hitachi Kasei.
    SDK control will be canceled soon.
    The stock price is sold because the SDK is not functioning as a company and it is a profit of possession rights.

  • After all, the stock of SDK is not profitable.
    It's like losing a slingshot.
    Saving money is the purpose of life, and it is also the purpose of life to reach the end of life early and die.
    Drink a lot of alcohol and smoke a lot. However, suddenly that world.
    A shareholder of the SDK is a person who can take a walk every day and live a long life.
    By the way, can we quickly cut the loss without suffering?

  • There is a saying (the frog in the well does not know the ocean).
    It will be bought by Shin-Etsu Chemical at a small and cheap market capitalization.
    Unless it is a company organization with originality like the Giants, it will not grow in the future.
    Mr. Vulture has already bought aluminum.
    There are no more chances in life. Make a dead face.

  • The SDK sometimes goes up a little, but it is on a downtrend due to the selling pressure of overseas funds.
    The reason is that there is no money due to the overtrading of career advancement, and it is easy to sell.
    We want the SDK to work with LINE to let us know when to sell or buy in a timely manner.
    We would like the SDK to partner with Shin-Etsu Chemical if possible.

  • The reason why the SDK is unilaterally lowered is that it is sold internationally.
    The Great Depression will occur due to rising interest rates.
    Vulture funds may also have a selling advantage as they run out of funds.
    Stocks go up and down.
    The reason why the SDK is unilaterally lowered is that it is sold internationally.
    Even if it's not margin trading, we can slowly make additional purchases around 1280.
    Short selling of credit may make a mess.
    Life is a savings and we should save cash to live.
    The Nikkei average goes down to about 15,000. Therefore, in Japan, restructuring is more important than wage increases OK.
    Accelerate and we can't live without basic income.
    The SDK is a bait for vultures and is destined to be sold internationally. The SDK may not be profitable until 20 years or more, and on the contrary, it may be a father who pays for the promotion of overtrading.
    From now on, it will drop to 1280 in no time, and the company may be acquired. 安い時に売っとけよ おやっさん^^^

  • The stock price goes up for some reason.
    Apollo, which is called a vulture fund, is to get a profit margin.
    This tendency may double.
    Wait a little longer and see the war and corona measures in Ukraine
    The Great Depression and inflation eventually caused interest rates to rise above 2%.
    Bank deposits should be active.
    Although major management measures have already been completed and it is becoming a profitable company,
    With borrowing as a fortune, while riding on a growth path, at a low stock price
    Market capitalization has also fallen.
    This is a company where funds are sitting and selling.
    We do our best at work and put up with unrealized losses.
    Individuals do not buy more because they save their lives.

  • Wait for the big crash from Monday. The Nikkei average will eventually reach 17,000, and Abenomics will fail. We will be patient and wait for the chance.
    Cash is an important life-threatening thing, and now we have strong savings.
    We don't want to buy unnecessary luxury goods or stocks.
    Investment is at our own risk and insurance is to save.

  • Life is a savings, and without cash, the SDK cannot pay the license fee.
    Office workers only have to work and get paid.
    We don't do anything extra, we just have to live a rich life and save money. Japan is dying when it runs out of money.

  • Capital investment in semiconductors is expensive, and more funds are needed than profits.
    There are many graduates from the University of Tokyo, and it is great to think about it, but there is a shortage of funds and resources.
    Even old semiconductors will be made at subcontract factories in China and the United States.
    I can see another 1400. Stop wasting investment.

  • If you don't have money and you don't make money, you should die.
    The government also cuts off non-profitable stocks.
    Just bake the corpse in the crematorium.
    However, we poor people do not make margin transactions and must cherish money.
    Would you like to make a funeral money with your savings and have a delicious convenience store lunch?
    If you run out of food, starve to death or jump into your car.
    Will you die in Nishinari?

  • Corporate restructuring in Japan is also important in terms of securing funds during this period.
    Life is cash, not expected. Practical interest is prioritized.
    Cars, electricity, oil, energy, steel, transportation, agriculture, finance, etc. all need funds.
    Like China, Kishida's mix is to create a structure that grows by national policy, and the Fair Trade Commission is meaningless. I think that semiconductors are absolutely useless unless they are merged and weeded out.
    To double your income, you have to work, and with a small investment like the SDK,
    It's the laughter of the world. The sale of a company is an innovation.
    Stocks are just a play for loss cuts. It's a fake business and it makes me unhappy.
    We want to save seriously to keep going and get high interest on dollar deposits like in the United States.
    Long-term and short-term do not matter.
    Uh, stop at this place, Oyasan

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