
アキュセラ【4589】の掲示板 〜2015/04/28




>彼は、前の会社 Sangartで開発失敗したとたん、HPを閉鎖して260億ドルの金の使途を明かさすに「missing in action (行動中に行方不明)」したと書かれています。

>That's why O'Callaghan was brought on to become CEO, effective in January. He has experience leading biotech companies, but the fate of one company he led is a bit of a mystery. San Diego biotech Sangart, under his leadership, went " missing in action" after burning through $260 million.

アキュセラ【4589】  ぎゃあああ、例のURLヨシ子の投稿が、一瞬にして消えました。二度も!    皆様、情報操作よ!!人の意見を抹殺するとは良くないのでは?  でも、一瞬で消えたあたり、これは機械が自動で感知していると思われます。  それで、後半の部分を再投稿!  >彼は、前の会社 Sangartで開発失敗したとたん、HPを閉鎖して260億ドルの金の使途を明かさすに「missing in action (行動中に行方不明)」したと書かれています。  それって、ここ↓の部分でしょうか? >That's why O'Callaghan was brought on to become CEO, effective in January. He has experience leading biotech companies, but the fate of one company he led is a bit of a mystery. San Diego biotech Sangart, under his leadership, went " missing in action" after burning through $260 million.

  • >>4451



    O'Callaghan was CEO of Sangart, a San Diego biotech company. The company apparently went "missing in action" in 2013 after burning $260 million on research and development, according to biotech news site FierceBiotech. The biotech news site reported that the company's website went dark immediately after the drug trial failed. Google searches turn up no website for Sangart and there seems to be no trace of the company since then.

    That happened under O'Callaghan's leadership after the company's drug, which was designed to treat trauma patients, failed in early trials.

    "About all that [Sangart's] sole big investor will do is point to financial reports stating they've cut off their commitment to provide financial support to Sangart," FierceBiotech wrote, "after the last big trial ended in failure and that company execs have been scouting for a fresh source of financing."
