
(株)三井E&S【7003】の掲示板 2024/04/11

4/5のNHK WORLDの駐日米国大使へのインタビューやけど、全額三井に行くんやで

Mitsui, the company, would get all 20 billion dollar


Emanuel: First of all, let's go into the thrust of the question, which is, you know, four weeks before the President made that announcement, the President also announced that Mitsui, the company, would get all 20 billion dollar contracts to replace all our port cranes. All of them. Now, I don't know what says "trusted ally" more than a 20 billion dollar contract to a single Japanese company. So the ports on the East Coast, the West Coast will all go to a single company to build all the cranes to operate those ports. And it's a Japanese company.