
(株)レゾナック・ホールディングス【4004】の掲示板 2022/02/04〜2022/03/09

It is operated by borrowing Hitachi Kasei's human resources, but one day it will have to be returned to the Hitachi Group.
Hitachi Kasei is a Trojan horse and is a strategy of the Hitachi Group.
Investors believe that, so stock prices don't go up.
We are only dreaming and it all depends on the growth of the next generation of young people.
Even the aluminum cans are sold and the company just dissolves.
We are worried if the SDK has a technology like GAFA.
We are keenly aware of the limitations of the SDK.

(株)レゾナック・ホールディングス【4004】 It is operated by borrowing Hitachi Kasei's human resources, but one day it will have to be returned to the Hitachi Group. Hitachi Kasei is a Trojan horse and is a strategy of the Hitachi Group. Investors believe that, so stock prices don't go up. We are only dreaming and it all depends on the growth of the next generation of young people. Even the aluminum cans are sold and the company just dissolves. We are worried if the SDK has a technology like GAFA. We are keenly aware of the limitations of the SDK.