
(株)J-MAX【3422】の掲示板 2018/12/06〜2019/06/21

I was assuming that there would be certain level of “sell” at market this morning regardless the result of the third quarter earnings of Marujun. Yes, it is true that the three months earnings in October through December were not as good as expected, in year on year comparison. But considering the down trend of economic growth in China due mainly to the Trade War with US, Marujun fared pretty well in this period. We also have to see the earning growth on moving average basis, rather than mere three month comparison. We find the company is steadily growing in Japan, China and Thailand and I personally feel the company’s middle term plan has started very satisfactorily this fiscal year. The PER and the market capitalization of Marujun are very attractive level and there is a hope that the share will be listed in Tokyo some time, which should increase its liquidity. Thus I will hold the share firmly and continually. Next week, I hope there will be no sell-off at market seen this morning.