
(株)ジーエヌアイグループ【2160】の掲示板 2019/03/21〜2019/03/25


> I’d like to sincerely claim to Pres. Luo and Director Thomas that most of stockholders including me want you to reconsider how to raise stock price of the company. I understand that the most important matter of managing company is to make profit and also to pass the exam of new inventing pipelines. Howe, I hope you to understand that it’s also one big job of Managements is to raise Market capitalization. Please Do not betray all stockholders trust and support GNI agreeing your company policy. Thank you.

Don't knou why, but your opinion is

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so try again in Japanese.

I understand what you insist, nevertheless not agreeable.
IRIR isn't what I demand for.
'Cause I'm not losing. A ha sorry.