
鴻池運輸(株)【9025】の掲示板 〜2015/04/28


mny***** 強く買いたい 2013年6月11日 21:05

Global Shares, Dollar Dip as BOJ Disappoints 皆 失望 黒田の大風呂敷

LONDON (Reuters) - The yen jumped against the dollar, world shares fell and yields on riskier European debt rose on Tuesday after the Bank of Japan disappointed investors by deciding against moving to calm volatile markets.

The decision unnerved investors already highly sensitive to any signs of a lack of commitment from global central banks to the ultra-loose monetary policies that have fuelled rapid gains in asset prices this year.
ほら 僕ちゃんの言ったとうり、アベのタンゴ クロネコのタンゴ
世界恐慌を起こした男と 歴史に残る アホ首相 アホBOJ