
(株)レゾナック・ホールディングス【4004】の掲示板 2021/09/29〜2021/11/07

The highly information-oriented society was created in the world of system programming.
Over time, you'll know at some point. The profit and money flow of the company is the stock price
It is important to study with books and the idea of long-term investment, which is judged by price movements and volume.
Those who win in pachinko can also win in stocks because they know when to pull.
Margin trading is like an internet casino and should not be done by an amateur.
The higher the expected value, the more you lose, so the dollar cost averaging method is good for funded investment.
Institutions are also short of funds, and I haven't heard much about 10 burgers like GungHo.
While busy with chores and volunteer work, you'll only see stock prices for a few years.


(株)レゾナック・ホールディングス【4004】 The highly information-oriented society was created in the world of system programming. Over time, you'll know at some point. The profit and money flow of the company is the stock price It is important to study with books and the idea of long-term investment, which is judged by price movements and volume. Those who win in pachinko can also win in stocks because they know when to pull. Margin trading is like an internet casino and should not be done by an amateur. The higher the expected value, the more you lose, so the dollar cost averaging method is good for funded investment. Institutions are also short of funds, and I haven't heard much about 10 burgers like GungHo. While busy with chores and volunteer work, you'll only see stock prices for a few years.  含み損は我慢してしばらく待って、上がってから売りましょう。 余計な心配や損切など不要であり数年後会社に頑張ってもらいましょう。 半導体の下請けやアルミ缶など何でもよい売れるものを高く販売し、 食い扶持を稼いでいただきたい。