
帝人(株)【3401】の掲示板 2020/05/20〜2020/06/04

Study will evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Alvesco in the Treatment of Non-hospitalized COVID-19 Patients Aged 12 and Above

Patient recruitment for the multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of Alvesco is underway.

"We are committed to rapidly evaluating Alvesco as a potential treatment for this serious global health threat," said Michael Porter, CEO of Covis. " Should Alvesco show positive results in the study's primary endpoint for reduction of patients with a hospital admission or mortality by day 30, we intend to file for approval of our drug in the U.S. for the treatment of COVID-19."

Alvesco Covid-19 の治療薬として 米 FDA の承認を得て Phase 3 の臨床試験を開始。
12 歳以上の入院していない患者を対象に安全性と有効性を評価する。
現在 患者を リクルート中
"30 日までに良い結果が得られれば,Covid-19 の治療薬として US での承認を申請するつもりです" と Covis の Michael Porter CEO が言った。