
ヒューマン・メタボローム・テクノロジーズ(株)【6090】の掲示板 2018/08/21〜2018/10/23

早くから世界的なライバルが先行しているところへ、やっと具体的な手を打とうというIRが昼に出ましたが、日頃から地球儀をちゃんと眺めてるアナリスト達にとってどう映ったのか.....冷静に見守る必要があると思います。ただ、それぞれ得意なターゲット(水溶性/脂溶性メタボライト)や主力解析システムetcの違いで上手く住み分けて来てもいる訳ですから、中国におけるメタボローム解析ニーズに対して、どのようにアピールしていくかが非常に重要であるとも言えますよね。 ;-)



===== 甜菜ここから =====
RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. -- March 27, 2018 -- Metabolon, Inc., the global leader in metabolomics, announced today that its joint metabolomics laboratory with Zhejiang Dian Diagnostics Co., Ltd. ("DIAN"), one of China's largest chains of independent medical laboratories, has achieved full validation in running Metabolon's proprietary metabolomics platform. The joint laboratory is located in Hangzhou and has started processing client samples under an exclusive licensing agreement with Metabolon announced in February 2017. Hangzhou Calibra Diagnostics Co., Ltd. ("Calibra"), a majority-owned subsidiary of DIAN, will be the exclusive partner for providing Metabolon's metabolomics services and commercializing its technology in China.

Hangzhou Calibra Diagnostics Co."Launching our global metabolomics platform in China allows us to better serve current and future customers in this significant, growing market," said Metabolon CEO John Ryals, PhD. "Calibra has done an outstanding job establishing the laboratory, validating the platform and preparing its marketing team for this day. We look forward to a successful relationship as they expand our service offerings for research applications in clinical research, health management, traditional Chinese medicine, pharmaceuticals, consumer goods and agriculture, as well as supporting large-cohort population studies throughout the Chinese market.

Calibra-Metabolon Lab 2.jpg"Calibra is pleased to exclusively offer Metabolon's technology in China, and I am confident that our collaboration is going to open many new opportunities to help advance metabolomics applications in this market," said Hua-fen Liu, Calibra CEO.

Metabolon's technology screens the largest, most diverse metabolite reference library in the industry and leverages proprietary software and biochemistry expertise to deliver the most accurate and comprehensive metabolomics data. This data can be used by life sciences researchers to gain actionable biological insight and understand genomic and other -omics data.

===== 甜菜ここまで =====

薬膳や漢方薬の凄い効果の解明などにも、中国市場ならではのニーズが大量に眠ってると思いますので、Metabolon社とHMT社でパイを大きくしながらシッカリと賞味していく戦略&戦術に注目したいと。 ;-0

さて、中国マーケットにおける遅れ馳せながらも追撃開始の狼煙を上げた我等がHMTとしては、その世界最強ツールである『ω Scan』を活用しての貢献に期待します!

膵臓など難治ガンの超早期発見&治療法解明へ、頑張れっ、HMT!!! (V)o\o(V)  ;-D

ヒューマン・メタボローム・テクノロジーズ(株)【6090】 早くから世界的なライバルが先行しているところへ、やっと具体的な手を打とうというIRが昼に出ましたが、日頃から地球儀をちゃんと眺めてるアナリスト達にとってどう映ったのか.....冷静に見守る必要があると思います。ただ、それぞれ得意なターゲット(水溶性/脂溶性メタボライト)や主力解析システムetcの違いで上手く住み分けて来てもいる訳ですから、中国におけるメタボローム解析ニーズに対して、どのようにアピールしていくかが非常に重要であるとも言えますよね。 ;-)  以前にもinfo.したように、中国市場におけるメタボローム解析ビジネスについては、なんといっても米国Metabolon社が既に2017年2月から浙江省(せっこうしょう)の「DIAN」とコラボレーションを開始しており、さらに傘下の「Calibra」@杭州市との共同ラボを本格稼動させMetabolon社の解析サービスをフルサポートしているニュースを下記のように2018年3月に発表しています。  -ttps://www.metabolon.com/who-we-are/news-events/news/metabolon-and-dian-open-new-metabolomics-laboratory-china  ===== 甜菜ここから ===== RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. -- March 27, 2018 -- Metabolon, Inc., the global leader in metabolomics, announced today that its joint metabolomics laboratory with Zhejiang Dian Diagnostics Co., Ltd. ("DIAN"), one of China's largest chains of independent medical laboratories, has achieved full validation in running Metabolon's proprietary metabolomics platform. The joint laboratory is located in Hangzhou and has started processing client samples under an exclusive licensing agreement with Metabolon announced in February 2017. Hangzhou Calibra Diagnostics Co., Ltd. ("Calibra"), a majority-owned subsidiary of DIAN, will be the exclusive partner for providing Metabolon's metabolomics services and commercializing its technology in China.  Hangzhou Calibra Diagnostics Co."Launching our global metabolomics platform in China allows us to better serve current and future customers in this significant, growing market," said Metabolon CEO John Ryals, PhD. "Calibra has done an outstanding job establishing the laboratory, validating the platform and preparing its marketing team for this day. We look forward to a successful relationship as they expand our service offerings for research applications in clinical research, health management, traditional Chinese medicine, pharmaceuticals, consumer goods and agriculture, as well as supporting large-cohort population studies throughout the Chinese market.  Calibra-Metabolon Lab 2.jpg"Calibra is pleased to exclusively offer Metabolon's technology in China, and I am confident that our collaboration is going to open many new opportunities to help advance metabolomics applications in this market," said Hua-fen Liu, Calibra CEO.  Metabolon's technology screens the largest, most diverse metabolite reference library in the industry and leverages proprietary software and biochemistry expertise to deliver the most accurate and comprehensive metabolomics data. This data can be used by life sciences researchers to gain actionable biological insight and understand genomic and other -omics data.  ===== 甜菜ここまで =====  薬膳や漢方薬の凄い効果の解明などにも、中国市場ならではのニーズが大量に眠ってると思いますので、Metabolon社とHMT社でパイを大きくしながらシッカリと賞味していく戦略&戦術に注目したいと。 ;-0  さて、中国マーケットにおける遅れ馳せながらも追撃開始の狼煙を上げた我等がHMTとしては、その世界最強ツールである『ω Scan』を活用しての貢献に期待します!  膵臓など難治ガンの超早期発見&治療法解明へ、頑張れっ、HMT!!! (V)o\o(V)  ;-D