
日新製鋼(株)【5413】の掲示板 〜2015/04/28

This should be a zombie brand stock
,and now this is going out from a mosquito net?
But,I hope that this will be got up from the grave as soon as possible.!
Oh my God,I worry about my right foot involving with a grave.

日新製鋼(株)【5413】 ★ゾンビ銘柄で、蚊帳の外に・ 神様・・!!”片足が、お墓に、突っ込んでいる・・!!” This should be a zombie brand stock ,and now this is going out from a mosquito net? But,I hope that this will be got up from the grave as soon as possible.! Oh my God,I worry about my right foot involving with a grave.