
ネクセラファーマ(株)【4565】の掲示板 2017/06/17〜2017/06/21

  • 1,326
  • 1434
  • 2017/06/22 03:40


  • 分割を求めているのは100株ホルダーだけだよ
    カネがないから1個しか買えず 分割で保有株が増えたらいいな〜 くらいの認識だな
    分割で保有株が増えたら1個は売りたいな〜 って考えているのだろ

  • 全株主に告ぐ!!株主は全員貸株をやめろ!!

  • >>26


  • >>22






  • >>24


  • >>20


  • 株式分割でのメリットは需要がある場合には株価が上がりやすくかった。分割する日と増加分を売却出来る日にズレがあったため一時的に供給不足になった。今は分割日から売却可能。株価上昇は起こりにくい。



  • 私の金で、ジーエヌ愛を2日連続爆上げさせたよ。

  • 去年、6月29日こんなの出てたけど・・・。そろそろ結論出てくるのかな~。

    2016 年 6 月 29 日

    当社は、投資単位の引下げが、株式の流動性の向上や投資家層を拡大し株式市場を活性化する為の有用な 施策の一つであると認識しております。
    投資単位の引下げにつきましては、今後も当社の業績、資本政策、株価及び株式の需給関係等を総合的に 勘案し、その費用対効果等を慎重に検討した上で対処したいと考えております。

  • SOSEIのコンセンサスの動向:
    ※日経バイオテク:検証 企業価値:M&Aの成否を分けたもの、そーせい:最大のトリガーは2015年に買収した英Heptares社 (3/13)
    ※株経:追い証回避の投げ一巡で戻り足に。(4/13) ※四季報:新興市場の底打ち判断は、「そーせい」に注目。いよいよ最後の仕上げに向かって。(4/13)
    ※四季報:営業増益率-59.6%。業績予想更新(2017/05/30)。18.3予 売上高12,000、営業利益5,000、税前利益4,000、純利益3,000、1株益177.3円。(6/1up)
    ※四季報:創薬ベンチャー・そーせいGは"世界レベル"に挑めるか? 大胆M&Aの成否は? 新薬候補が目白押し。新薬パイプラインは充実。中長期的にも成長期待が大きい。(6/1)
    ※四季報先取り新興株50:そーせいグループ。(6/14) ※(6/16四季報更新)
    ※IFIS:SMBC日興証券がそーせいのレーティングを強気(1)に据置。目標株価は23,000円(2016/7/13) →19,000円(3/7) →17,000円に引き下げ。(6/15)
    ※DZH:そーせい- SMBC日興が目標株価引き下げ。Heptares社の新たな提携契約などに期待。(6/16)


    2010/12/30 (終値_1350) 売残高 _2740 買残高 _607100 大納会 ・(2011/1/4大発会1400)
    2011/12/30 (終値_1271) 売残高 ____0 買残高 _518100 大納会 ・(2012/1/4大発会1292)
    2012/12/21 (終値_2093) 売残高 __100 買残高 _653600 ・(2012/12/28大納会2087) (2013/1/4大発会2061)
    2013/12/20 (終値_4045) 売残高 28500 買残高 _833300 ・(2013/12/30大納会4315) (2014/1/6大発会4415)
    2014/12/19 (終値_4355) 売残高 __700 買残高 1691900 ・(2014/12/30大納会4370) (2015/1/5大発会4280)
    ・2015/2/21 Heptares子会社化※(2015/3/16最安値2851) (2015/10/29終値3885:Utibron・Seebri米国承認取得、11/25終値5470:Teva、11/30終値6060:Pfizer)※[上抜け圏]へ
    2015/12/25 (終値_9670) 売残高 _7500 買残高 2282200 ・(2015/12/30大納会 9950) ※ファイザー製薬へ第三者割当(2015/12/16発行価格8537円)
    ・2016/4/28 (終値22470) 売残高 20800 買残高 3260000 ・(2016/1/19安値9850、2/10安値9960、3/24安値15220) (4/6終値14180:Allergan、4/18終値21160:Kymab、※5/9最高値26180) (6/24安値12960)
    2016/12/30 (終値13450) 売残高 __300 買残高 2920000大納会 ・(2016/7/19安値15240、8/9安値15440、9/1安値16250、10/28安値15680、11/9安値12510、12/8安値12470)
    _1/27 (終値13200) 売残高 _400 買残高 2852200 ・(1/20 JITSUBO契約国内製薬(非開示))・(1/24安値12910)・(1/31ORBIT)
    _2/24 (終値13450) 売残高 ___0 買残高 2597000 ・(2/10下方修正)・(2/13安値12400)・(2/28SO-1105承認申請)
    _3/31 (終値10880) 売残高_5600 買残高 2621800 ・(3/13終値12010:第一三共提携) ※[仕掛け、振るい場・拾い場]・(3/21安値10380)
    _4/28 (終値11450) 売残高_6100 買残高 2228800 ・(4/3Utibron米国発売) ※(4/4最安値10280)・(4/5 AZD4635前臨床結果発表) ・(4/24安値11140)
    _5/26 (終値11210) 売残高_8600 買残高 2036000 ・(5/3MiNA 25.6%株式取得・買収オプション投資契約締結) (5/18Teva前臨床開発候補薬選定)・(5/23安値10810)
    _6/_9 (終値11170) 売残高_8400 買残高 1980900 ・(6/7安値10960)
    _6/16 (終値11170) 5日線乖離(-0.46%) 25日線乖離(-0.18%) 75日乖離(-2.09%) 200日線乖離(-17.98%) (安値11150) ・(6/13安値11070)
    ・Technical Analysis Charts (Day) (Week): ttp://www.4-traders.com/SOSEI-GROUP-CORPORATION-6814799/charts/&applet_mode=statique


  • 次なる飛躍へ。着実な進捗と共に更なる成長の黎明期にて振るい育ちゆく相場。控える材料と共に水準訂正。笑。
    Heptares has been operating for ten years and has over 115 employees in the UK and 5 employees in Zurich.
    The scope of the opportunity using the Heptares approach extends well beyond our growing Pipeline.
    ※SOSEI決算説明会:国際的なバイオ企業に成長するための中長期ビジネス戦略:中期開発段階に進むバイオ企業へ:直近12-18 ヶ月の見通し (5/12)
    ※SOSEI:Heptares共同創立者でありCSOのフィオナ・マーシャル博士、GPCR創薬研究への多大な貢献が認められ、2017年JOHN DALY LECTURE賞を受賞。(5/18)
    ※Heptares: We are currently seeking an experienced Bioinformatician to work with scientists internally and externally across a range of disciplines to advance both our platform technology and our pipeline of new medicines. (6/1up)
    ※Heptares: We are currently recruiting a Lab Support Technician to join our Operations team GPCR. "Closing 6 July 2017." (6/14up)
    ※Heptares: Publications. (6/15update)
    ・Crystal structure of the GLP-1 receptor bound to a peptide agonist. (Nature 2017, DOI:10/1038/nature22800)
    ・Structural insight into allosteric modulation of protease-activated receptor 2. (Nature 2017, 545: 112-115)
    ※Heptares: Events. (6/15update)
    ・BIO International Convention, Jun 19-22, 2017, San Diego, CA, USA: Barry Kenny (Business Development)
    ・ACS Fall Meeting, Washington, Aug 20-24, 2017, DC, USA: Giles Brown, Ben Tehan
    ・Computational Advances in Structure-Based Drug Discovery (CECAM), Sep 4-7, 2017, Lausanne, Switzerland: Jon Mason
    ・9th International Meeting on Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors, Oct 1-7, 2017, Taormina, Sicily: Fiona Marshall
    ※Pluristem_HP: From the Media. (6/16update)
    ※Heptares: We are currently seeking an experienced Bioinformatician to work with scientists internally and externally across a range of disciplines to advance both our platform technology and our pipeline of new medicines. (6/16Re-update)
    ※Heptares: We are currently seeking an experienced leader for our computational chemistry group, which is central to our structure-based design efforts, with the motivation and leadership skills to join a world class team at Heptares. (6/16up)
    ※Heptares Zurich, Executive Research Director: We are seeking a person with Pharma/Biotech experience to manage and co-ordinate research and administrative operations. (6/16 Recruiting End)
    ※SOSEI第27回定時株主総会:6月22日(木) 午前10時
    ※SOSEI平成29年3月期 株主通信:6月下旬予定
    ※In celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the founding of Heptares Therapeutics: "G protein-coupled receptors: structure-based drug discovery from crystals to the clinic.": 2017/07/13 10.00am - 5.30pm.
    (Speakers: Fiona Marshall, Malcolm Weir, Chris Tate, Richard Henderson, Gebhard Schertler, Andreas Plückthun, Rob Cooke, Jon Mason, Tim Tasker, Miles Congreve.)
    ※Novartis Q2 2017 Results: Jul 18, 2017
    ※AstraZeneca H1 and Q2 2017 Results: Jul 27, 2017
    ※Pluristem: Expected Milestones PAD Program: (Closing JV deal with Sosei- Q2-Q3 2017), (Japan pivotal study initiation- H2 2017).
    ※Allergan: Pipeline Highlights: (CNS: "Muscarinic Receptor M1 Agonist, Entry Ph 1, 2H 2017")

  • ※HeptaresTL 5時間前: We are now seeking an experienced leader for our Computational Chemistry group GPCR. (6/16up)
    ※"Head of Computational Chemistry"
    Company: Heptares Therapeutics

    Heptares Therapeutics Ltd is clinical stage company using innovative techniques in protein engineering and structure-based drug design directed at G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs).
    Heptares has built an exciting pipeline of new medicines across disease areas including Alzheimer’s disease, migraine and cancer.
    Our ability to address highly validated, yet historically undruggable, GPCRs has also attracted multiple partners including Allergan, AstraZeneca, Daiichi Sankyo, Kymab, Morphosys, Pfizer and Teva.

    We are currently seeking an experienced leader for our computational chemistry group, which is central to our structure-based design efforts, with the motivation and leadership skills to join a world class team at Heptares Therapeutics.

    Key qualifications and requirements:
    ・Be educated to PhD level in Chemistry or a related Physical or Biomedical science
    ・Be an established authority in the use of Computational Chemistry approaches to drive drug discovery programmes with a supporting publication record
    ・Be an expert in the application of structure-based methodology to drug discovery (SBDD) with an accomplished track record of delivery of success within small molecule drug discovery projects, driving computational chemistry contributions with a hands on approach
    ・Have significant experience of project management of multi-disciplinary drug discovery teams and matrix management of resource
    ・Have significant experience of line management, mentoring and training of staff
    ・Proven ability to work collaboratively in a team oriented environment
    ・Have advanced knowledge of the principles governing the 3D structures of proteins and ligand conformations and the interactions between them
    ・Have a good understanding of the principles of medicinal chemistry and compound properties, having demonstrated significant contributions to the intellectual property of drug discovery projects
    ・Will ideally have experience of working with GPCRs
    ・Will ideally have experience of leading a Computational Chemistry function
    ・Creative problem solver who can foresee the potential of new computational chemistry / CADD approaches
    ・Clear and open communicator

    The successful candidate will:
    ・Be directly involved with drug discovery teams to identify and optimise new lead molecules using structure-based approaches
    ・Project manage drug discovery projects both on internal pipeline projects and in collaborations with pharma and biotech
    ・Ensure Computational Chemistry support for internal and partnered projects is of the highest quality and appropriately balanced, line managing the team
    ・Liaise with other functions within Heptares to ensure maximal impact of Computational Chemistry efforts
    ・Assist with the assessment of opportunities for new projects involving novel targets and/or novel drug molecules
    ・Represent Heptares in discussions with actual and potential collaborators and by giving presentations at international conferences
    ・Work with selected partners to progress target validation and drug discovery projects
    ・Apply new cutting-edge methodology within Computational Chemistry as applied to drug discovery
    ・Drive collaborations with software companies or relevant academic groups to deliver new computational chemistry capabilities customised to Heptares needs
    ・Ensure the Computational Chemistry methods, tools and computational resources utilised within Heptares are the most appropriate for structure-based drug discovery
    ・Play an influential role in the overall project management and best practice within the Discovery team at Heptares

    The closing date for applications is 14th July 2017.

  • ※HeptaresTL: We are currently seeking an experienced Bioinformatician GPCR. (6/1up)
    ・Company: Heptares Therapeutics
    ・The closing date for applications is 5th July 2017.

    ※HeptaresTL 7時間前: We are now seeking to recruit a highly motivated Bioinformatician GPCR. (6/16Re-update)
    Company: Heptares Therapeutics

    Heptares Therapeutics is clinical stage company using innovative techniques in protein engineering and structure based drug design directed at G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs).
    Heptares has built an exciting pipeline of new medicines across disease areas including Alzheimer’s disease, migraine and cancer.
    Our ability to address highly validated, yet historically undruggable, GPCRs has also attracted multiple partners including Allergan, AstraZeneca, Daiichi Sankyo, Kymab, Morphosys, Pfizer and Teva.

    We are currently seeking an experienced Bioinformatician to work with scientists internally and externally across a range of disciplines to advance both our platform technology and our pipeline of new medicines.

    Our preferred candidate would have the following background:
    ・Educated to PhD level in Biochemistry or a related Biomedical science, with experience in applying Bioinformatics approaches to Biomedical questions
    ・Expertise in R programming and Python scripting
    ・A solid understanding of protein families, their physiological functions and their regulation by endogenous and exogenous ligands
    ・Broad knowledge of 3D structures of proteins and ligands
    ・Experience with the development and application of informatics approaches to analyse databases (including protein sequences and structures)
    ・Familiarity with integrated sequence/structure/small molecule approaches and databases (e.g. ChEMBL)
    ・Experience of working in a drug discovery environment would be an advantage

    The successful candidate will work independently but in association with other Heptares functions to:
    ・Mine databases, publications and other sources of information to help generate disease/protein associations and identify suitable targets for drug discovery
    ・Assist with the assessment of opportunities for new projects involving novel targets and/or novel drug molecules
    ・Work with selected academic partners to use informatics data to progress target validation and drug discovery projects
    ・Examine the effects of sequence variation on the structure and function of proteins
    ・Analyse the rapidly growing body of data on structure-function relationships within GPCRs
    ・Maintain and present summaries of informatics analyses in a form suitable for broader use
    ・Keep up to date with Bioinformatics methodologies as applied to drug discovery

    The closing date for applications is 14th July 2017.

  • 2017/06/17に作成されたそーせいグループ(株)について話し合うスレッドです。

    textreamのビジネス、株式、金融、投資、または証券に関するスレッドに参加する場合は、Yahoo! JAPAN利用規約を再読してください。
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    Yahoo! JAPANは情報の内容や正確さについて責任を負うことはできません。
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    『そーせいグループ(株) 2017/06/13〜2017/06/16』

