
ウェルスナビ(株)【7342】の掲示板 2023/12/08〜2023/12/18


Azurite-blue 強く買いたい 2023年12月12日 03:06


Hey, skm buddy.
You're getting all cozy chatting with me, but you're not on the same level to talk with me, you know?

Your stock predictions missed the mark again today.
Aren't you embarrassed? www
Nobody cares about your dim-witted forecasts, so why bother writing them every single day? You're really a delusional narcissist, aren't you?

And by the way, your pathetic lies fool no one. Good at playing mind games? You're seriously deluded. www

Seems like you're getting regular check-ups at the mental hospital, but those meds aren't doing a thing, huh?

You claimed to work for a trading company, right?
So, you should be able to speak English, huh?
Well, today I'll address you in English.
Come on, give me a response in English. www