
(株)レオパレス21【8848】の掲示板 2019/12/12〜2019/12/18


' The results come at a difficult time for SoftBank, which is still grappling with the aftermath of the failed public listing of WeWork, one of its most significant portfolio businesses.'

' “My prediction is that the next big problems for SoftBank will come from its Indian investments in Oyo and Paytm,” said Jeffrey Funk, a retired associate professor at the National University of Singapore, adding that his long-term concern over Paytm was that its losses “probably won’t go away”. '

(株)レオパレス21【8848】 ' The results come at a difficult time for SoftBank, which is still grappling with the aftermath of the failed public listing of WeWork, one of its most significant portfolio businesses.'  ' “My prediction is that the next big problems for SoftBank will come from its Indian investments in Oyo and Paytm,” said Jeffrey Funk, a retired associate professor at the National University of Singapore, adding that his long-term concern over Paytm was that its losses “probably won’t go away”. '