
日本製鉄(株)【5401】の掲示板 2017/01/07〜2017/06/02

Even at a small shop,there are an alarm and a sprinkler, so the machine informs a fire department automatically as soon as it knows the fire.
You have to erase the fire by having water spouts and having the machines automatically,
Do it right now at other place too.!!
>also we got 2 sets of a smoke detector to set from a town to us free several years ago.
Individually,I had set a fire extinguisher and prepared a bucket for water resistance on each floor too.
A management proprietor has to use more " IQ ability" more?,
I think,
when we can get to know the smoke in a factory using with 24 hour surveillance system of a robot,
In the age of AI nowadays, it is ordinary habit that we can carry on fire fighting automatically by a smoke detector.

日本製鉄(株)【5401】 ★小さい店でも、火災時では、警報機やスプリンクラーを付けていて自動的に消防署に、知らせてくれて すぐ消火水が噴出して、自動消化してくれますが。。!! >また普通の家庭でも、火災警報器の2か所用の機器・設置が町内から無料で用意されていて、 個別的には、各階には消火器・防水用のバケツを用意していますが、 ・・ここの管理経営者は”IQが低い”のでしょうね・・?? ◆今時、AIの時代に、ロボットの24時間監視体制で、工場に煙が出れば、煙感知器で消火活動を自動的にできるのが 普通でしょう!! Even at a small shop,there are an alarm and a sprinkler, so the machine informs a fire department automatically as soon as it knows the fire. You have to erase the fire by having water spouts and having the machines automatically, Do it right now at other place too.!! >also we got 2 sets of a smoke detector to set from a town to us free several years ago. Individually,I had set a fire extinguisher and prepared a bucket for water resistance on each floor too. A management proprietor has to use more " IQ ability" more?, I think, when we can get to know the smoke in a factory using with 24 hour surveillance system of a robot, In the age of AI nowadays, it is ordinary habit that we can carry on fire fighting automatically by a smoke detector.