
(株)ディー・ディー・エス【3782】の掲示板 〜2015/04/15

The FIDO Alliance is a group of high-tech heavy hitters, including PayPal, Lenovo and Google who have developed a scalable, universal biometric system that they want the web and tech manufacturers to adopt to keep consumers safe. "While this first deployment of FIDO Ready technology leverages a biometric -- a simple swipe of a finger -- we anticipate FIDO authentication to emerge in many forms and applications, through many providers and as a result of many more innovative partnerships dedicated to moving beyond passwords with more secure, private, easier-to-use authentication," said Michael Barrett, president of the FIDO Alliance of the integration.

Samsung may not have beaten Apple to market with its fingerprint-scanning technology, but by opening that technology up to other companies for integration with their services, the company really could be on the verge of making biometric identification mainstream.