
空港施設(株)【8864】の掲示板 2015/04/29〜2021/11/04


ume 強く売りたい 2018年10月4日 10:07

This is also a somewhat graphic video of an actual kill. We continued to film several seconds after the cheetah caught the poor wildebeest calf, showing it kicking and crying for help.
But this is nature, ladies and gentlemen, in its full glory.

This was the first Cheetah we saw on our 12-day Tanzanian Safari. Northern Tanzania is probably one of the best places to see a Cheetah in the wild. Other countries like South Africa, Kenya etc. provide amazing safari experiences, but for cheetah specifically, Tanzania is your best bet. Throughout our stay in Southern Serengeti and the Ndutu area we saw about 12 individuals but this is the only one we saw hunting, and successfully.