
(株)東芝【6502】の掲示板 2017/05/03


Even though Westinghouse's approach of pre-fabricated plants was untested, the company offered "aggressive estimates" of the cost and time it would take to build its AP1000 plants in order to win future business from U.S. utility companies. It also misjudged regulatory hurdles and used a construction company that lacked experience with the rigor and demands of nuclear work, according to state and federal regulators' reports, bankruptcy filings and interviews with current and former employees.

上記文中の"aggressive estimates"の部分の、aggressiveは普通は積極的な、と言う意味ですが、この文脈だと、強引なor独断的、の方がピンとくると思います。つまりは、AP1000の建設に必要な時間やコストを、独断的に(別の表現すると甘く)見積もった、と言っています。