
日本製鉄(株)【5401】の掲示板 2019/02/23〜2019/05/08


綾小路ひみこ 強く売りたい 2019年4月4日 13:41

Though much of a private companies suffered the damage of seizure already,
Japanese government doesn't make the action now yet,
So them, people in the world might think that Japanese Government will permit the Korean action in a destination completely with not taking the sanction behavior.

日本製鉄(株)【5401】 日本政府は、民間会社の多くがすでに差し押えの被害を受けているのに制裁行動をしないのは、韓国の主張を全面目的に認めた事になります。 Though much of a private companies suffered the damage of seizure already,  Japanese government doesn't make the action now yet, So them, people in the world might think that Japanese Government will permit the Korean action in a destination completely with not taking the sanction behavior.