
新日本理化(株)【4406】の掲示板 2019/02/16〜2020/07/02

来週から、運が上がるかも?? ​株価に、期待・・!!
Oh my God,
Excrement of a dog was thrown away in front of the store from a morning.
May luck of mine rise from next week? ​I wanna expect the stock price..!??​

​​The stock market depends on China,
even if it is fine,and it's simmered or it's bad,
​​and when the situation is small here, the stock price of this company might get the unexpectedness price,​
but We can Know,
the problems still gives the bad results to the United States or Japan with Taiwan and Hong Kong problem,
So until China collapse?
We can't take our eye's point off in stock market.