
(株)ルネサンス【2378】の掲示板 2022/01/21〜2022/12/25


Wani 強く売りたい 2022年2月7日 22:33

Why Buy? there are many problems that are still there. Profits? What where and why are people spreading wrong information about the health of this company in the wrong way. If you are smart you sell before march because of the problems that lead up to this (it's not only the world virus issues) It's the past 10 years of mismanagement and other overexpansion properties. They are already closing some studio glasses to cut budgets etc. Studios are overcrowded and people can't get WITHOUT PAYING 1000 yen EXTRA studio ALLOTMENT.

The elderly supplement health income the company is getting from the government is being wasted. If you have been in HOSPICE's experience division of Renaissance you see they are poorly run. Overcrowded and Trainers are under qualified to work with SENIOR CITIZENS. Sell now