
Jトラスト(株)【8508】の掲示板 2021/07/12〜2021/08/16

Q. So were you not concerned that since you knew, based on J Trust’s instructions that Tep Rithivit was just a nominee, were you not concerned that when you bought his shares, you opened yourself up to issues with the true beneficial owner?(JトラストがTepがノミニーであると指示していたのに、彼の株式を取得した場合、真の受益者との間に問題が生じる心配はありませんでしたか?)
A. There is always a risk in any engagement, but as you will see from the engagement letter and surrounding documents, the holding of those shares is subject to an ultimate court determination of who the ultimate owner is. If it is found to be another individual, naturally, to the extent they have queries and concerns about the conduct, then that is something we will have to deal with. That is an inevitable consequence of taking an appointment of this nature.(契約には常にリスクが伴いますが、契約書や関連書類を見れば分かる通り、最終的に誰が株式の所有者かの判断は、裁判所に委ねられています。もしそれが別の個人であることが判明した場合、当然ながら、疑義や懸念があるならば、我々はそれに対処していきます。このような案件では必然的なことです)