
(株)三菱UFJフィナンシャル・グループ【8306】の掲示板 2024/05/21〜2024/05/22

On regulation, Dimon said, "They make it seem like we're a hedge fund." He said regulation is "damaging America at this point."

He continued on the regulation rant, indicating how overregulation has already forced some customers to exit the banking system.

Dimon then commented on artificial intelligence, suggesting it will impact almost every job at JPM.

Back to markets, he expects another market panic someday. Potentially, that's why he's saving the dry powder of buybacks for that day.

On monetary policy, the bank exec said:

"I'm cautiously pessimistic. We have the most complicated geopolitical situation that most of us have seen since World War II, if you study history. We don't really know the full effect of QT. I find it mysterious that, somehow, it had this beneficial effect, but it's not going to have a negative effect when it goes away. I personally think inflation is a little bigger than people think and that rates may surprise people."





