
(株)タムラ製作所【6768】の掲示板 2024/05/09〜2024/05/30

世界的成長株 半導体
世界各国の機関投資家やヘッジファンド ための優良情報

NCT unveiling the Gallium Oxide Revolution: Pioneering Sustainable Semiconductor Solutions

WebsEdge Science
,300 回視聴 2024/04/22
Join us on a journey into the heart of innovation as we explore the transformative potential of Gallium Oxide in shaping our electrified future. In the era of green transformation, semiconductors emerge as the unsung heroes propelling our modern world forward. Discover how Gallium Oxide, led by Novel Crystal Technology in Japan, promises unparalleled performance and cost efficiency, revolutionizing the landscape of power conversion technology. From its superior efficiency at high voltages to its seamless integration into existing fabrication lines, Gallium Oxide stands poised to disrupt the status quo. Witness the groundbreaking advancements and collaborative efforts driving the Gallium Oxide revolution as we invite you to join us in this thrilling ecosystem of innovation and sustainable progress.