
日本製鉄(株)【5401】の掲示板 2017/01/07〜2017/06/02

以前に、我々は 韓国が元の手先となって日本をせめて滅ぼしにかかった事を忘れてはいません。
To Korea,the Japanese Government are going to appeal a suit in the International Court of Justice by a Viennese agreement 22nd article treaty violation.
we do remember that Korea will be cursing us forever,
but also we don't forget your injuring us with crime of Mongol invasion in past year.
Japanese people always have the purpose looking to the future,
so we can have our hope of the future always by walking step by step and we can continue it day by day.

日本製鉄(株)【5401】 ★日本政府が、韓国をウイーン協約第22条条約違反で国際司法裁判所に提訴へ!! >韓国は、先ごろの戦争被害での日本を対象とする話し合いを無視して、 将来にわたって、1000年後もゆるさないだろうが、 以前に、我々は 韓国が元の手先となって日本をせめて滅ぼしにかかった事を忘れてはいません。 ただ、日本民族は、未来を見つめる民族なので、常に、未来に向けて歩む努力を続けるでしょう・。 To Korea,the Japanese Government are going to appeal a suit in the International Court of Justice by a Viennese agreement 22nd article treaty violation. we do remember that Korea will be cursing us forever, but also we don't forget your injuring us with crime of Mongol invasion in past year. Japanese people always have the purpose looking to the future, so we can have our hope of the future always by walking step by step and we can continue it day by day.