
日経平均株価【998407】の掲示板 2018/04/25

> 最近、痛感する。日本の政治は終わったなって。政権乗っ取られて。
> ネトウヨ
海外でも市民権を得てるんだな Netto uyoku/Net uyokuとAbe政権って。

<Wikipedia - Netto uyoku/Net uyoku> (Japanese internet right-wingers), is the term used to refer to Japanese neo-nationalists. Netto uyoku frequently post nationalistic and xenophobic articles on the Internet.

they lack institutional political representation offline, leading to a sense of frustration and a tendency to be more active online and to back the more right-wing elements of the LDP, especially the Prime Minister Shinzō Abe's administration as a substitute for having a party of their own.