
日経平均株価【998407】の掲示板 2024/05/22


I posted this on the day the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago after Merrick Garland ordered it and gave the green light to kill anyone that stood in the way.

The FBI stole Pres Trump’s passport, financial records, and medical records along with confiscating documents that NARA had approved, packed, and delivered to MAL.

The FBI then staged the scene and took pictures that Jack Smith wrongfully used in court to frame Pres Trump in the fake documents lawfare case, while giving Biden a full pass on his decades worth of classified docs all over the place including sloppily by his corvette in his garage that anyone could steal.


Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene

日経平均株価【998407】 I posted this on the day the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago after Merrick Garland ordered it and gave the green light to kill anyone that stood in the way.  The FBI stole Pres Trump’s passport, financial records, and medical records along with confiscating documents that NARA had approved, packed, and delivered to MAL.   The FBI then staged the scene and took pictures that Jack Smith wrongfully used in court to frame Pres Trump in the fake documents lawfare case, while giving Biden a full pass on his decades worth of classified docs all over the place including sloppily by his corvette in his garage that anyone could steal. メリック・ガーランドの命令でFBIがマー・ア・ラーゴを強制捜査し、妨害する者を殺す許可を出した日に、私はこれを投稿した。  FBIはトランプ大統領のパスポート、財務記録、医療記録を盗み、NARAが承認し、梱包し、MALに届けた書類を押収した。  FBIはその後、現場を演出し、ジャック・スミスが法廷で不当に使用した写真を撮影し、偽文書訴訟でトランプ大統領に濡れ衣を着せた。その一方で、バイデンには数十年分の機密文書が、ガレージのコルベットのそばを含め、そこらじゅうに散乱しており、誰でも盗むことができる。 @RepMTG Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene https://t.me/RepMTG/2550 1/2