
日経平均株価【998407】の掲示板 2024/05/18


President Donald J. Trump(Truth Social)
Under Biden, the 30-year mortgage rate is almost 8%--by contrast, the month I left office, it was 2.6%. That means a typical Minnesota home mortgage that used to cost you $2,000 dollars a month now costs nearly $3,100 dollars a month. And because of the Biden Price Hikes, it is harder than ever to save for a downpayment!

日経平均株価【998407】 President Donald J. Trump(Truth Social) Under Biden, the 30-year mortgage rate is almost 8%--by contrast, the month I left office, it was 2.6%. That means a typical Minnesota home mortgage that used to cost you $2,000 dollars a month now costs nearly $3,100 dollars a month. And because of the Biden Price Hikes, it is harder than ever to save for a downpayment!  バイデン政権下では、30年ローンの金利はほぼ8%--対照的に、私が退任した月は2.6%だった。つまり、ミネソタ州の一般的な住宅ローンは、毎月2,000ドルかかっていたものが、今では毎月3,100ドル近くかかるということだ。そして、バイデン値上げのせいで、頭金を貯めるのがこれまで以上に難しくなっている! https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/112459989461673753 Truth1-2/2