
日経平均株価【998407】の掲示板 2024/04/17


President Donald J. Trump
I thought STRIKES were supposed to be “unlimited” when we were picking our jury? I was then told we only had 10, not nearly enough when we were purposely given the 2nd Worst Venue in the Country. Don’t worry, we have the First Worst also, as the Witch Hunt continues! ELECTION INTERFERENCE!
審査員を選ぶとき、STRIKESは "無制限 "だったはずだが?その時、私たちは10人しかいないと言われた。この国で2番目に悪い会場を意図的に与えられたのに、充分ではなかった。ご心配なく、魔女狩りは続いているので、最初の最悪の事態もあります!選挙妨害だ!