
日経平均株価【998407】の掲示板 2024/05/11


> おひまなら よんでみ
> Shanghai Platinum Week: Hydrogen’s going to feature big, says World Platinum Investment Council
> JOHANNESBURG (miningweekly.com) – The growth in demand for platinum applications in China is extremely high, making detailed access to the China market hugely advantageous.
> Providing this detailed access from July 8 to 11 will be the far-reaching Shanghai Platinum Week 2024, which is sandwiched between the London Platinum Week in May and the New York Platinum Week in September.
> h
> ttps://www.miningweekly.com/article/shanghai-platinum-week-hydrogens-going-to-feature-big-says-world-platinum-council-2024-04-26
