
アマゾン・ドット・コム【AMZN】の掲示板 2020/07/10〜2020/07/31

The Economy Is in Record Decline, but Not for the Tech Giants (NYT)

"Sales at Amazon’s lucrative cloud computing business, whose customers include major corporations and small start-ups, grew 29 percent, to $10.8 billion, falling short of analyst expectations, though it was more profitable than they had expected."


アマゾン・ドット・コム【AMZN】 The Economy Is in Record Decline, but Not for the Tech Giants (NYT)  "Sales at Amazon’s lucrative cloud computing business, whose customers include major corporations and small start-ups, grew 29 percent, to $10.8 billion, falling short of analyst expectations, though it was more profitable than they had expected."  AWSはある種、瓢箪から駒的なところがあったとおもいますが、アマゾンがEC一本できてたらどうなってたかとふと想像してしまいます。