President Donald J. Trump FoxNews spends far too much time promoting the Democrats, their surrogates, and their agenda. Today I watched, over and over again, an angry and totally out of control Michelle Obama trying to save the dying Campaign of Comrade Kamala Harris. I’m leading in Michigan, by a lot, because of great support from Autoworkers, Arab Americans, Jewish Americans, and all other Patriots - But Fox refuses to put up those Polls. FoxNews は民主党とその代理人、そして彼らの政策を宣伝するのにあまりにも多くの時間を費やしている。今日私は、同志カマラ・ハリスの瀕死の選挙運動を救おうとする、怒り心頭で完全に制御不能なミシェル・オバマの姿を何度も何度も見た。私はミシガン州で、自動車労働者、アラブ系アメリカ人、ユダヤ系アメリカ人、その他すべての愛国者からの多大な支援のおかげで、かなりリードしている-しかし、Fox はそれらの世論調査を掲載することを拒否している。 1/2
Donald J Trump 15 時間前 FoxNews spends far too much time promoting the Democrats, their surrogates, and their agenda. Today I watched, over and over again, an angry and totally out of control Michelle Obama trying to save the dying Campaign of Comrade Kamala Harris. I’m leading in Michigan, by a lot, because of great support from Autoworkers, Arab Americans, Jewish Americans, and all other Patriots - But Fox refuses to put up those Polls. Fox also plays more negative commercials and ads promoting the other side than is even imaginable - Our ads on FoxNews are always a big deal to negotiate (They want us to change and weaken our content!), but we put them up on CNN and MSDNC with no problems or changes. It’s hard to believe I’m leading by so much
US net interest costs as a share of GDP are set to reach 6.3% by 2054, the highest on record. This will be more than DOUBLE the 3.1% projected for the Fiscal Year 2024. To put this into perspective, interest costs will nearly triple the government's average historical spending on R&D, infrastructure, and education COMBINED. Interest payments have reached $1.1 trillion over the last 12 months, exceeding defense spending for the first time. At the current pace, interest will soon be the largest expense in the Federal budget, surpassing Social Security. We are on an unsustainable fiscal path. 米国の純利子コストの対GDP比は2054年までに6.3%に達し、過去最高となる見込みだ。 これは、2024年度に予測されている3.1%の2倍以上になります。 これを概観すると、利子コストは、政府の研究開発、インフラ、教育への過去の平均支出を合わせた額のほぼ 3 倍になります。 過去12か月間の利払いは1兆1,000億ドルに達し、初めて国防費を上回った。 現在のペースでいくと、利子はまもなく社会保障費を上回り、連邦予算における最大の支出となるだろう。 私たちは持続不可能な財政の道を歩んでいます。 @kobeissiLetter
a Record outflow from T-Bills now 👀 Narrator: meanwhile #FED SRF website page is down again over the weekend (3rd time in past few weeks) h ttps://x.com/DarioCpx/status/1844903087166849044
やっぱり安息日なんてネタニヤフは気にしないね。 Israel has continued to batter Lebanon with strikes into Saturday, in an aerial campaign that has killed over 1,400 people, injured nearly 7,500 others and displaced more than one million people in less than three weeks, according to Lebanese officials. Israel has refused to rule out targeting Iran’s nuclear facilities, while reports from Hamas-linked media have claimed Israeli forces have struck near Lebanon’s second-largest city of Tripoli for the first time.
昨日のニールさんの AMERICA TODAY でアメリカでこういうことを言う人が出てきたということを伝えていた。 Is it time to torch the Constitution ? Some scholars say that it's to bleme for our political dysfunction - and that we need to start over. 憲法を燃やす時が来たのか?学者の中には、これは私たちの政治的機能不全のせいであり、最初からやり直す必要があると言う人もいます。 by 機械翻訳 確かにアメリカの憲法は見直しの余地がたくさんある。国の根幹をなす憲法を見つめ直すのは良いことだと思う。まさに国の立て直しだね。アメリカが偽ユダヤ人シオニスト戦争屋によって内側から食い尽くされるのを合衆国憲法が実は助けてきたのかもしれない。外から武器で攻撃されなくても中から崩壊したら終わりだ。
Growth was fast…
2024/10/30 00:01
Growth was fastest in the company's financial services and tech platform segment, where sales rose 64% year over year. This segment now makes up nearly half -- 49% -- of SoFi's business. And it's apparently a very high-margin business for SoFi. Instead of losing $0.29 per share, as it did in Q3 a year ago, SoFi posted a $0.05-per-share profit this time around, its fourth straight quarterly net profit. ↑この辺もPalantirのあの時の『民間部門が伸びてる』ってのと似てるよね