
メキシコ ペソ / 日本 円【mxnjpy】の掲示板 2024/05/16〜2024/05/23


* USD/JPY is in an uptrend on all timeframes, and given “the trend is your friend” this favors more upside eventually even if there is a correction. (㌦円はどの時間足でも上トレンド、調整あってもトレンドに仲良く乗った方がいい

* The pair remains in a short-term downtrend (not enough to confirm a trend reversal yet) and there is still a high risk of further bearishness taking it lower. Given the medium and long-term trends are also bearish, the odds further favor more downside. (他国の高金利長期化見通しなどで少し上げてるが短中長期ともまだ下トレンド(ペソ強)

* Mexican Peso traders are now gearing up for a Mexican "Day of the Data" party on Thursday, when a host of figures will be released. (ペソトレーダーは木曜の「指標群の日」パーティーに向け準備している
* The Citibanamex survey shows most analysts expect a Banxico rate cut on June 27. (🇲🇽のCitiBank系銀行による調査では多くのアナリストが中銀6/27利下げとみている