
(株)ソリトンシステムズ【3040】の掲示板 2023/12/01〜2024/04/10

EU サイトで、Soliton-News *

Soliton Systems Contributes to JAXA's Historic Lunar Landing with SLIM
ソリトンシステムズ、SLIM で JAXA の歴史的月面着陸に貢献

国内勢よりも、海外勢の個別株投資に期待カモ 🦆🦆🦆

"With over 40 years of experience and expertise, Soliton Systems Co., Ltd. is a leading provider of software and hardware solutions for many technological innovations including image processing and navigation, IT Security, and ultra-low latency live streaming. The company's mission is to create innovative and reliable solutions that meet the evolving needs and expectations of its customers and society."
訳文は投稿制限に引っかかるので、原文ママ👩 ^^;