
投稿コメント一覧 (4コメント)

  • >>No. 902

    You are welcome :D
    My Americanfriend don't say my English is good.
    Nobady can't use foreign languages with few months learning.
    Stiring up by English has no meaning.
    I recommend you read English text like BBC NEWS.

  • >>No. 894

    >I can not understand what you want to say.
    Your sentence is always too long.
    sentences are

    If I were you, I wouldn't write long sentences.
    such a long のが強調できていいですね

    Most readers will be exhausted whether your opinion is right or not.
    will よりmustの方がこの場合いいですね、煽りたいなら強調した方がいいかと
    あと、exhausted whether〜には , が必要ですかね

    What matters the most is you make yourself

    is what you make

    Anyway, long sentences is unnecessary.
    sentences are

    あと、sentenceといった同じ単語が続くときはit themなどはを用いたり、passagesなど同じ意味の別の単語を用いるといいですね

  • >>No. 311

    Do you think a great war will start soon?
    Most people won't be interested in Nintendo if it will.
    are these sentences correct? or incorrect?
    please tell me your opinion.
    in my view, the world is getting worse.


  • 勉強のために英語を使ってみるのはいいトレーニングだけど、ここだと間違いを指摘してもらえないから、あんまり効果ないと思う

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