
投稿コメント一覧 (4655コメント)

  • 1. 平成25年3月期の連結業績(平成24年4月1日 ~ 平成25年3月31日)(1)連結経営成績(%表示は対前期増減率)
    百万円% 百万円% 百万円% 百万円%
    25年3月期1,288,881 △1.1 42,062 △ 26.8 39,328 △38.1 30,864 32.3
    24年3月期1,303,778 6.2 57,484 34.8 63,627 29.4 23,323 △10.1
    (注)包括利益 25年3月期24年3月期
    . 配当の状況
    円 銭円 銭円 銭円 銭円 銭百万円% %
    24年3月期- 0.00 - 5.00 5.00 8,359 35.8 2.7
    25年3月期- 0.00 - 5.00 5.00 8,358 27.0 2.5
    26年3月期(予想) - 0.00 - 5.00 5.00 24.5

    3. 平成26年3月期の連結業績予想(平成25年4月1日 ~ 平成26年3月31日)
    百万円% 百万円% 百万円% 百万円% 円 銭
    通 期1,380,000 7.0 60,000 42.6 53,000 34.7 34,000 10.1
    営業利益率18.46 2.7 13.95 4.6 △26,831 36,971 33,245 3.2

  • ★合併の効果の疑心暗鬼で、又銀行が、2社の株式保有限度の5%ル-ルを考えて、しばらく整理売りが、続く可能性が・・あるのか・・??
    Banks consider "5% rule" of the limitation of stock investment by two companies, and, in arrangement sale, a possibility of continuing by the suspicion and fear of the effect of a merger for a while, It is true??

  • ★大丈夫か?? ・・・Are you OK??
    An evacuation advisory is announcing under a landslide situation by the crack generating for residents in Hamamatsu of Shizuoka Prefecture with the tea garden of the Tenryu area! now!! It had happened 90 years ago too!

  • >>No. 44989

    Re:★川崎重工の株主が納得するのは、ー>”三井造船が、4に対して、川重が、1”でしょう!!今でも、三井造船 1,73株(191円) 対して、川崎重工 1株(330円)ですから・・!!。

  • ★川崎重工のホームページより、

    ■”WBS(”α4の番組”で、#H25.4.22 PM3・35#:2社が、経営統合に向けた協議に入ったともようと報道:*”TVの音声コピーより”*)の報道で、決まったかのように報道しているが・??

    ★The homepage of the Kawasaki Heavy industry,
    About today's partial report
    April 22, 2013.
    In some press, although the report about merging operations of our company and Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding CO., LTD. was published, this is not what our company announced, and does not have such a fact today, either.

  • >>No. 44985

    Although a merger is not opposite, it is a problem of a merger ratio and a possibility that a leg will be pulled by Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding of 泥船, and a dividend will decrease in an equal merger is size.. ?? stock price has already fallen!! ..

  • ★B787航空機の改修工事が、全日空・日本航空で、今日から始まった。
    The repair work of B787 airplane started in ALL NIPPON AIRWAYS and Japan Airlines today. For the operation to the June service.??

  • No.44971 強く売りたい


    2013/04/22 10:32

    Intention of amalgamating on an equal basis too with Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding going up ---.
    It is better for us to purchase the subsidiary of Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding.

  • No.44965 売りたい


    2013/04/22 07:51

    Kawasaki and Mitsui Holdings -.
    if it is like the case of the Nippon Steel and Sumitomo steel Holdings,it is a good case for us to be a merger by Nippon Steel. But,it is not the same in this case?, a merger ratio and the difference in culture are problems for us??Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding is advantageous. ??

  • 2013/04/16 08:44

    ★ 今日の三井造船のように、黒字ー>予想外の赤字決算を、発表することがあって、決算が出るまでは・注意が必要かも??

    The cautions are required for us,until we may get to cheer by the state,
    even if we know an unexpected deficit settlement with accounts coming out like Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding??.

  • 2013/04/12 11:43

    ★ダイヘン:ホームページより、 配当の状況 H25.4.12
    (注)直近に公表されている配当予想からの修正の有無 : 無
    円 銭円 銭円 銭円 銭円 銭
    24年3月期― 3.50 ― 3.50 7.00
    25年3月期― 3.50 ―
    25年3月期(予想) 3.50 7.00
    3. 平成25年 3月期の連結業績予想(平成24年 4月 1日~平成25年 3月31日)
    (注)直近に公表されている業績予想からの修正の有無 : 無
    百万円% 百万円% 百万円% 百万円% 円 銭 @ 一株当たり
    通期91,000 △2.1 2,800 △24.4 2,900 △27.6 1,700 △19.0 "13.21"

  • 2013/04/12 11:28

    ★Is this company sleeping?? I felt dark!
    when I put the ”DAIHEN” words input with carrying out, by searching, ->, DAIHEN、and the DAIHEN homepage are searched and displayed in Yahoo!.but "only a half of my PC asreen" comes out! about English page ,how they follow the next page ,the English page is completely, even the screen are displayed, but how to use of it is not known with going on.

  • ★ "無税の贈与"の基準が変わる!
    The standard of tax-free donation changes!
    At the purpose for spending of donation of a tuition fund to a grandchild, it contains a sport, a cram school, music, English conversation, penmanship, a preparatory school, besides a school etc.
    For it,presentation of a receipt is required to a bank.

  • 2013/03/29 22:41

    >>No. 44867

    Although I want money, but I do not want China to buy it ,so it is an alluring problem.
    North Korea goes into a shooting standby organization state.
    The United States is working the Bー2 strategic core bomber by developing jointly with the alien?

  • No.44836 強く買いたい


    2013/03/26 11:57

    B787,test flight of the airplane got to be started with battery system improvement.
    ■ チャ―トが、ダイエットしている??
    Chart is getting to be on a diet?

  • 2013/03/24 09:32

    ★ 情報が、事前に、洩れている??
    急激な、株価の下落は、決算の減益幅が、大きくなったことを暗示しているのかも・・?? Information has leaked in advance.
    The rapid fall of a stock price is that the declining profit margin of settlement of accounts has suggested having become large.. ???

  • ★チャートが、おかしい??

    This chart amuses me by doing magic tricks??

  • 2013/03/22 23:25

    ★ 海路の日和で、死にました。
    I died in the flames by the weather of the sea route.

  • No.44813 買いたい


    2013/03/20 21:20


    France sold off the landing-and-departure systems to the deck for a helicopter of the ships to China! .
    ? and so Japan will refresh the arms 3 principle for examination by this.

  • No.44800 買いたい


    2013/03/16 15:17

    Even if she is a favorite type with the sight of back and seems good.
    but when I see a front of her,do I fall in love by covering many infirmities with expecting precedence? I feel it scaring me??

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