
投稿コメント一覧 (4655コメント)

  • 2013/03/16 14:03

    ★パソコンの故障と同じで?、待たば海路の日和あり。PCも、しばしば、故障したと思っていても、そのうちに、治ることがありますので、 ここの株価も・・??、日本に故障原因を押しつけた、787の故障より(揚がるタイミング)ましか・・??
    If it is the same as failure of a personal computer and waits, it will be those of a sea route with the weather. as PC may also often become revival itself before long ,so we get the good price of this stock by being cured as same as PC.
    It is better than the failure of 787 which forced the failure cause on Japan ??

  • No.44788 買いたい


    2013/03/13 12:47

    FAA approves the test flight of 787!
    Boeing uses two planes for a test.
    ★ライヤンエヤ―社が、ボーイング社へ、200機発注! 180億ドル! 
    why ,Boeing company got the order.

  • No.155907 買いたい


    2013/03/11 11:35


    It is more difficult finding the answer of the reason why this stock price can't go up than finding the failure cause (connection mistake of wiring .. ??.) of 787.

  • No.155882 買いたい


    2013/03/05 13:28

    ★ バトルは、再開か??
    Does a battle take in the resumption??

  • ★オートバイに、ついて・・

    About a motorcycle..
    I say clearly,I dislike the bright green color of this,
    it seems to be insincere just for a moment
    when you offer a green color, the wine-red Color is needed with variation,and a deep color is more required too.

    Another one,

    I wish that the problem of B787 will be solved as soon as possible!

  • No.155813 強く買いたい


    2013/02/06 17:37

    Yesterday,I telephoned to this company ?
    But I made a mistake ,because I called to the Nippon Steel Sumikin company,
    soon I recognised that this company atmosphere of this company was quite bad, then I call to Sojitz again,and felt that an atmosphere of this company was quite good.

  • 2013/02/05 14:04

    ◆ 2013年3月期 通期業績見通し(2012年11月2日公表)
    売上高4 兆1,000 億円
    営業利益360 億円 -
    経常利益320 億円
    当期純利益100 億円

    為替レート(年平均 \/US$) :  79
    原油(Brent)価格(年平均 US$/BBL) :110

    * "Anticipation" of consolidated statements has not been changed now.
    <> The term ended March, 2013 Prospects for the whole financial year (November 2, 2012 official announcement)
    the sales 4 -- million the 100 million yen operating profit 360 -- 100 million yen -
    Ordinary profit 320 100 million yen
    Current-term-net-profit 100 100 million yen
    Exchange rate (annual average \/US$) : 79 crude-oil (Brent) price (annual average US$/BBL) : 110

  • 2013/02/01 11:55

    Seemingly,Results don't reflesh,as almost ineffective by making an exchange contract for a weak yen,

    although the stock price of other trading companies go up,but stock price of this company can not catch 200 yen until, Why,it is the problem? Some bad matter is hiding?
    Chart is appealing,but this point of now is not coming to be good turning point?,

  • ★売上は間違ってないですが
    経常利益500億  純利益300億の間違いでは?(´・ω・`)

    ★期待先行でしたね??I'm sorry!
    訂正・・Correct errors!
    経常利益500億  純利益300億の間違いでした。(´・ω・`)
    ■      Sales: 1,300 billion yen,
    Operating profit: 50 billion yen
      Net earnings: 30 billion yen
    ■ 一株利益
    Earnings per share @17.9yen??

  • ★各企業に、円安で、業績の格差出ているが,
        営業利益: 5000億円 
         純利益: 3000億円
    To each company, by low yen rate, the contents of performance has bad rank or good rank of presenting with each achievements. but ,why a stock price of this company is high with having bad contents?.
    13.3 terms ・・Is it true ?,
    Anticipation of a company was announced to us.
    ■   Sales: 1,300 billion yen,
    Operating profit: 500 billion yen
    Net earnings: 300 billion yen

  • ★ここの株主になれば、いじめや、失敗からの脱出の力の蓄積、執念、我慢する力で、思考の転換力が養われそう??
    If you become the stockholder of this company,you could have the enduring power from the bullying,escaping from failure by tenacity of purpose, 
    and get happy by changing up with the conversion power of thinking.

  • 2013/01/28 09:42

    Until we can check an improvement of achievements,the price for the upgrade will be rested?? Though an unrealized share loss is also in the dissolution direction! .. ??

  • 2013/01/25 09:13


    A stock price of this company does not rise,because the curse has started?

  • 2013/01/23 10:46


    After terrorism breaks out, work overseas has uneasiness and it attacks to a trading company, and dangerous cause is too large, and it is a negative factor!!

  • ★B787も怖いが、中国の動きが不気味だ、国連法では、日本はまだ、占領下にあるらしい??
    Although B787 scares me,a move of China is more uncanny !
    In the United Nations, we are in the war stop state to China??.
    Do we get to have the war at the Senkaku Islands??

  • ★又、787,翼から、ガソリンもれ!
    Oh my God! The wing of 787 got to leak moreover gasoline.

  • ★ボーイング787の客室床下のリチュウムイオンバッテリーが爆発した事件では、関係がないか心配です!!
    I worry about the incident of the lithium-ion battery under the guest room floor with the Boeing 787 about whether this company is unrelated!!

    By news,
    I want this company to become the center of attention by a better thing without becoming the center of attention of a problem for the whole bet of a subsidiary.
    So the contents of disposal of a subsidiary become the center of attention again ??

  • ★なぜか、ヤフーの掲示盤に、投稿が出来ない!!
    Why can't I write on the notice board of Yahoo?

    No having activity is as same as a moutain having no action.

  • ★ごみを使って、セメント生産する技術が、日本と中国の合弁研究で、完成した。石炭使用を大幅削減で来て運転費用が安い!
    The technology which carries out cement production was completed by joint research of Japan and China using garbage.
    Coal use is come by a sizable cut and an operating cost is cheap!

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