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    Japanese star Ohtani Shohei has spoken up about the scandal everyone else in baseball is speaking about. He has kept quiet since his former interpreter was accused of illegal gambling and “massive theft.” But now, he's shared his side of the story.

    Ohtani held a news conference at the Los Angeles Dodgers stadium to address the allegations that surfaced last week around his camp. U.S. media reported Mizuhara Ippei had amassed debts with an illegal bookmaker of 4.5 million dollars. The team fired him, and Ohtani's lawyers are accusing him of wiring money from Ohtani's bank account.

    Ohtani says he didn't know about the debt nor about Mizuhara's gambling addiction until Mizuhara spoke last week to the team.

    He says it's “really hard” to verbalize how he is feeling right now. But he says he's saddened and shocked that someone he trusted has done this.

  • 日本では、「ギグワーク」(空き時間や短時間に働く働き方)のニーズが増える中、そうした人たちのための仲介サービスが拡大しています。






    Matchmaking services for short-term workers are growing in Japan, in tandem with a rise in the number of people looking for “gig work” to fill their free time.

    Mercari is best known for its flea market app. It entered the job search business this month. Customers can use an app to quickly find work that lasts as little as one hour. There is no need for interviews or preparing resumes.

    Another provider, Timee, started posting part-time positions last month with an option for applicants to become permanent hires down the road.

    Sharefull has launched an app that notifies users of permanent positions based on their past experience and performance.

    Yano Research Institute believes the market for such services in Japan is set to grow sharply. It sees 27-percent growth for this fiscal year from the previous period to become worth more than 82 billion yen, or 560 million dollars.

  • ヒマラヤの王国ブータンの新しい首相は、ブータンは国民の幸福を重視しながらも、観光などの対策を通じて経済を押し上げる必要があると述べました。






    Bhutan's new prime minister says the Himalayan kingdom needs to boost its economy through tourism and other measures while continuing to focus on people's happiness.

    Tshering Tobgay took office after parliamentary elections in January. It's the first change of government in Bhutan in five years.

    (Tshering Tobgay / Bhutanese Prime Minister)

    “The objective of economic growth and prosperity must be for the welfare of people. And therefore, happiness is important. But you cannot have happiness in isolation.”

    Bhutan is known for its pursuit of “Gross National Happiness.” It's a concept that prioritizes people's sense of well-being above all else.

    But Tobgay said Bhutan's economy is suffering because the all-important tourism industry has not rebounded since the pandemic. He also called on investment from abroad.

  • >>No. 2319








    Former U.S. President Donald Trump has seen one rival after another drop out of the race for the Republican nomination. Now the last hopeful has stepped aside. Former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley left after failing to win enough support within the party.

    Haley had spent more than a year campaigning. She's conceded to a candidate party officials have already labeled the “presumptive nominee.”

    (Nikki Haley / U.S. Former Ambassador to UN)

    “It is now up to Donald Trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it who did not support him, and I hope he does that.”

    Haley declined to endorse Trump, even though she'd fallen well behind in the race for delegates who'll choose the nominee.

    (U.S. voter)

    “She put up a good fight. And now it's, I guess, unfortunately, time for her to move on. The math just isn't working for her.”

    Trump says Haley “got trounced.” And he invited her supporters to join his movement.

  • >>No. 2317

    世界中の漫画ファンが、日本の偉大なアーティストの死を悼んでいます。漫画の歴史において最も人気のある作品の1つである「DRAGON BALL」を生み出した鳥山明さんが先週(3月1日)、亡くなりました。68歳でした。


    また、1984年には、超人的な力を持つ少年を主人公にした「DRAGON BALL」の連載を始めました。願いをかなえる(ドラゴン)ボールと、さまざまな敵との戦いをめぐる孫悟空の冒険は、世界中のファンを魅了し、累計発行部数は2億6,000万部に上りました。




    Manga fans around the world are mourning the death of a Japanese master artist. Toriyama Akira created Dragon Ball, one of the most popular works in the history of the genre. He died last week at the age of 68.

    His career in manga began in 1978. Two years later, Toriyama began a serial titled “Dr. Slump.”

    In 1984, Toriyama launched “Dragon Ball,” featuring a boy with superhuman strength. Son Goku's adventures involving wish-granting balls and battles against a variety of villains fascinated fans across the globe. The series sold a total of 260 million copies.

    (Fan from Shanghai)

    “His works feature a sense of justice. They helped me to make friends. It's definitely a great loss to the manga world.”

    (Fan from New York)

    “I used to read them a lot when I was a kid, and it was very fun. And I used to wanna be like Goku. I might read the books again just in his honor.”

  • >>No. 2315








    A growing number of young people in Myanmar are trying to flee to neighboring Thailand to avoid compulsory military service announced by the junta one month ago.

    Myanmar's junta said last month that men aged 18 to 35 and women aged 18 to 27 must do military service for up to two years.

    The announcement prompted citizens subject to the call-up to try to escape Myanmar. Many swarmed foreign missions, including the Thai embassy in Yangon, to obtain long-term visas.

    A university in the northern Thai city of Chiang Mai received 2,100 applications to take entrance exams earlier this month for 100 places at its English-language department. Most of the applicants were from Myanmar.

    (32-year-old applicant from Yangon)

    “My twin brother and all my friends are on the side of pro-democracy forces. I have no intention of joining the military to shoot them.”

    The junta said it will call up the first batch of 5,000 people in April.

  • A rare specimen has been identified at a Japanese national museum, thanks to the work of a junior high student. She led a study on a taxidermy piece that's now been identified as the hide of an extinct Japanese wolf.
    Thirteen-year-old Komori Hinako's curiosity was piqued when she saw the specimen at the National Museum of Nature and Science four years ago. It was labeled “wild dog,” but the girl thought it closely resembled a creature she'd seen in picture books.

    (Komori Hinako)
    “At first glance, I was like, 'This is a Japanese wolf.' The wolf has these whiskers, which are just amazing.”

    Japanese wolves are believed to have gone extinct about a century ago. With the help of experts, Komori determined the one displayed here was likely a Japanese wolf that was kept at Tokyo's Ueno Zoo just before the animal died out.

  • 紅麹の健康効果と安全性への懸念

  • どうなるサンバイオ




    ● 有効性と安全性の観点からは、臨床現場に提供する(承認・実用化の)意義はある● ただし、現時点のデータからは治験(承認申請に使用した臨床試験段階の)製品と(審議過程にある現時点で提供されている)本品とが同等・同質だとは判断できない● したがって、今後追加データを提出すれば、改めてPMDA(医薬品医療機器総合機構、厚生労働省所管の独立行政法人)で承認審査し、その後でこの専門部会で承認可否を審査するこれでサンバイオが最後まで粘った3月中の「アクーゴ」承認取得の目は消えた。ただでさえ遅れてきた承認がさらに遅れることは避けられない。




  • People in the Marshall Islands are marking 70 years since the U.S. conducted a hydrogen bomb test at Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean.
    The test happened on March 1, 1954, exposing people to radiation. They included many islanders as well as crew members of the Japanese fishing boat Daigo Fukuryu Maru. People on fishing boats from other areas of Japan were also exposed. A number of Japanese attended a ceremony in the capital, Majuro, on Friday.
    A representative of the islanders who were forced to relocate from Bikini Atoll says that their sacrifice and suffering must never be forgotten. The president of the Marshall Islands pledged to continue negotiations to seek compensation from the U.S. government.
    The U.S. conducted 67 nuclear tests in the Marshall Islands through 1958. Islanders exposed to radiation are suffering from health problems even now.

  • A Japanese woman who spoke up against sexual harassment has been honored for her bravery. Officials at the U.S. State Department praised Gonoi Rina for shining a light on “an otherwise taboo subject.”
    Gonoi joined 11 other recipients of the International Women of Courage Award for a ceremony at the White House.
    She'd been serving in the Ground Self-Defense Force when three sergeants sexually assaulted her at a training facility. She filed a complaint, but her superiors dismissed it. Gonoi resigned, took the men to court, and won her case.
    She inspired more than 100 other SDF members to step forward to say they, too, were victims.

    (Jill Biden / U.S. First Lady)
    “You've spoken out for yourselves and for others in the face of fear and risk, and those who have tried to steal your voices away.”

  • Experts from around the world have gathered in Geneva to discuss restricting the use of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems, or LAWS. The meeting comes amid mounting concerns over their use in Gaza.

    (Nakamitsu Izumi / UN Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs)
    “It is up to you, the States, to take a preemptive and preventative approach, to shield present and future generations from the consequences of the use of autonomous weapons systems.”

    The artificial intelligence-driven systems are typically able to select and attack targets without a human operator. The technology is described by some as “inhumane.”
    Officials say the parties involved will spend the next three years discussing whether to introduce restrictions.

  • Doctors at Japan's Kyoto University Hospital say they've successfully conducted the world's first simultaneous lung and liver transplant from living donors.
    Professor Date Hiroshi discussed details of the surgery on Monday and gave an update on the post-operative progress. He said the surgery in November was conducted on a boy under the age of 10, who had a serious congenital disease.
    Date's team said the patient received parts of his parents' lungs and his grandfather's liver. The doctors said the surgery took more than 18 hours.
    The boy left the hospital earlier this month, after he regained the ability to walk on his own. The team also said his parents and grandfather have already been discharged.
    The hospital says it was the world's first case of simultaneous lung and liver transplant to be conducted with living donors. It says outside of Japan, there have been at least 20 cases of a similar surgery involving brain-dead donors.

  • Many buildings in Tokyo have plenty of wow factor. But come sundown, few scream “Look at me!” quite like one skyscraper in Shinjuku.
    The Metropolitan Government Building is now the largest permanent projection mapping display in the world. Shows kicked off on Sunday and run five times per night from 7 p.m. They feature everything from Japanese culture and traditional arts to some of the capital's other landmarks.
    The project has been certified by Guinness World Records. And Tokyo Governor Koike Yuriko says she hopes it becomes a new tourist attraction.
    The shows run for about 10 to 15 minutes, with different themes on weekdays and weekends and holidays.

  • Doctors here in Japan have started prescribing a new weight-loss drug to patients who suffer from obesity. But there are concerns people could use it for cosmetic purposes, making it harder for those who need it to get access.
    This woman regularly meets a doctor to treat her obesity.
    (Ono Hiraku / Associate Professor, Chiba University Hospital)
    “A new medicine called Wegovy went on sale today. So let's give it a try.”

    The drug was developed by Danish pharmaceutical firm Novo Nordisk. Its active ingredient, semaglutide, mimics the effects of an appetite-regulating hormone.
    Japan's public health insurance system covers the use of Wegovy for patients diagnosed with obesity, as well as high blood pressure and other symptoms. But a growing number of people are turning to diabetes drugs containing semaglutide for cosmetic purposes. Experts say using the medicine without doctor supervision can be dangerous.

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