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  • Yahoo.comで以下の記事が出されていましたが、日本にもその対象となることを日本国としてするべきです!特にインターネット社会の推進とした総務省からの表明にはその重大な責任があります!迷惑メール等からの悪影響からは企業・個人ともに損失を被っています。
    Yahoo agrees to $50M settlement package for users hit by massive security breach
    Jon Russell,TechCrunch 17 hours ago
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    One of the largest consumer internet hacks has bred one of the largest class action settlements after Yahoo agreed to pay $50 million to victims of a security breach that s said to have affected up to 200 million U.S. consumers and some three billion email accounts worldwide. In what appears to be the closing move to the two-year-old lawsuit, Yahoo -- which is now part of Verizon s Oath business [which is the parent company of TechCrunch] -- has proposed to pay $50 million in compensation to an estimated 200 million users in the U.S. and Israel, according to a court filing. Finally, those who paid for premium Yahoo email services are eligible for a 25 percent refund. ...
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  • そもそもJPHDというのがおかしい!そもそも日本郵政の日本郵便に迷惑かけての銘柄?のようなものだ!保育園を福祉の名のもと郵便局の遊休地で不動産事業のように手にしたかっただけであるb!

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