
(NEXT FUNDS) 日経ダブルインバース上場投信【1357】の掲示板 2019/04/28〜2019/05/07

I ask you an easy thing.

How was the credit ratio of the market at the end of 2015? How was the credit ratio of the market at the end of 2018? -And how was the credit ratio for 2016 and 17? After that, do you remember how the stock price changed?

(NEXT FUNDS) 日経ダブルインバース上場投信【1357】 I ask you an easy thing.  How was the credit ratio of the market at the end of 2015? How was the credit ratio of the market at the end of 2018? -And how was the credit ratio for 2016 and 17? After that, do you remember how the stock price changed?